Sunday, March 23, 2008

War of the Roses

Technically it should be "war of the rose bush" since it turns out that I have one. Normally, I would call the discovery of a rose bush exciting news! Roses are, after all, pretty and they smell nice...

Only...remember that scene in Sleeping Beauty in which the Prince has to battle his way through the briers that have surrounded the castle? Yeah, I have *that* kind of rose bush. After filling a leaf bag with clippings from it today, I've still not made it to the base of the trunk. Using long-handled clippers, I took out some branches that were over an inch in diameter and complete with long, ominous thorns that looked like cat claws. This rose bush is very, very old and very, very wild and I have no idea if it will bloom...or if I can tame it back into something lovely. It should be an interesting...and probably painful...experiment.

Though I didn't quite make my own "sunrise service," I celebrated Easter mostly outside. In addition to my tango with the rose bush, I also hauled limbs to the front of the house and filled three more leaf bags full of leaves, twigs, and other various tree leavings. The grand total of leaf bags currently in front of my house is, I believe, 13...

...not to mention the rather largish pile of go-to-hell bush carcasses and assorted tree limbs. The city is supposed to come on Mondays to haul this sort of thing away. Here's hoping they do!


Anonymous said...

13 bags? Awards should be given. My entire yard would fit into one of your trash bags, so cheers to you for even having such a monster collection of refuse.

Labelmaker said...


heh heh you took pictures of your garbage :)