Monday, February 06, 2006

Monkey See...

I got a sound scolding yesterday morning.

I was sitting at the kitchen table mainlining coffee and lusting after clothes in four magazines at once when the Monkeyboy comes purposefully striding in...

Him: Mommy, we have to have a talk about this.
Me: (surprised) Huh? What?
Him: This (holding up random McDonalds toy) is a small thing. It goes in the small-things drawer. the other drawers.
Me: Oh...did I put it away in the wrong place?
Him: Yes. It's a small thing.
Me: I'm sorry, hon...

After the third time this little dialogue played out (that thing about preschoolers and repetition? So true...), I turned into UberMom:

Him: it needs to go in the small things drawer.
Me: You know...(thoughtful pause)... I think I'm maybe not so good at putting away your toys...I think maybe from now on you should be the one to put them away...since you know where they go.
Him: (happily) Ok!!
Me: (silently) muhahaha...

Oh, and before anyone comments...yes, I's totally my fault that he's exhibiting a teensy bit of OCD at the tender age of 3.5. I was bound to warp him somehow...


towwas said...

Oh, my god, dude, you are a GENIUS.

Unknown said...

Oh-ho-ho - that's sneeaky! Is there a Parenting Through Deception, Trickery, and Manipulation book I can read?

MonkeyMom said...

I don't think I like your tone, mister... :P

Just for that, I'm not telling you my "hundred-ways-to-sound-like-you're-saying-yes-without-ever-actually-saying-yes" trick. Harrumph!


Cheryl said...

I like your style! Remind me of this one in a year...