I should write tonight. I know I should. I haven't written anything since sometime last week and the backlog is making my brain congested. Things have happened...minor things...nice things...lots of things...things that are worth noting. Only for some reason my energy has been utterly tapped...as if the very act of existing is maybe just a little more effort than I really have the stamina for.
(...see how tired I am? That preposition...juuuuust dangling there. I'm not even interested in rewording. Heh.)
There just wasn't much down time this weekend...I think that might be it. Or, more specifically, maybe I need to take more of a stand for down time. And also I let myself get overstimulated sometimes...too many electrons and I start feeling splayed and disoriented. I actually had a little bout of vertigo again last night. Bizarre...
So the remedy, (with all aplogies to Mr. A to Z) I think, is to keep this brief...save all those blogs creeping around in my head for another night...turn off the computer and the television (which has been pumping out nothing but Spongebob and Fairly Oddparents for the last two days)...and go to bed.
You'll be returned to your regularly scheduled pith and profundity soon... :)
Spongebob and Fairly Oddparents? How very grown up! We are still on Mickey Mouse cartoons and Baby Newton. Someday...
That ending-a-sentence-with-a-preposition rule is bullshit. Feel free to do it.
Ooh...license to rule-break from a pro!! I feel vindicated!!
(I'm still not editing it though on principle :)
I put it in the category of rules that were made up to make people feel inferior. It's totally ridiculous.
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