Friday, December 23, 2005

Fun With Words

I love words. I do. And I particularly love internal rhymes and alliteration. Witness the following which I think is a brilliant little bit of lyrics from an Indigo Girls Song:

"Modern scribes write in Jesus Christ, everyone is free."

Isn't that nice?

...and if you get why it is, you'll understand my excitement at having penned the following...without really realizing what i'd said until I read it again:

" I think I'll lay claim to my lameness and sleep"

Words just make me happy. Even if I am lame. :)

[footnote: only, for the record, I wrote that phrase a solid hour ago and I still haven't gone to maybe I'm not as lame as I thought!]

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Ah, yes. This is one of the many reasons why I am on a path to become the thrid IG. I love words too, and they are absolute smiths, I tell you!