Saturday, February 02, 2008

Master Chef

When I was a kid, my mom would occasionally make homemade donuts on this awesome 1970-something contraption that looked like the product of an illicit affair between a waffle iron and a biscuit cutter. My memories of this breakfast treat are fantastic...warm, slightly cakey donuts dipped in various homemade glazes and icings. It was torture waiting for the next six to be done! And let me tell you, in a house where sugary treats were highly discouraged, homemade donuts were nirvana personified!

Sadly, Master Chef is no longer making their Donut Bakery...and Billy Mays hasn't yet figured out that this product NEEDS to be in his infomercial it was looking like the Monkey wasn't going to get his own sweet memories of mom-made donuts. I was sad...

...until MrR reminded me that this is not 1970-something! This is the era of internet-wonders like Craigslist! and eBay!! Ahh....

So this morning, thanks to $20 and some dude on eBay, I treated the Monkey to donutty perfection...

Granted, he mostly wanted to lick the icing off the top...but that's not the point. There were donuts! And tasty, tasty childhood memories!


Labelmaker said...

Ya gotta love that MrR! Oh wait. I have not MET MrR.

MonkeyMom said...

This is a (youwanttocomevisit) subliminal advertisement (verysooncomeandvisit) for a product which you both desparately (wanttocomevisit) need and want (tocomevisit).

If the donuts weren't incentive enough, I can also offer wine...and TOWWAS can vouch for my girly martinis. :)

Labelmaker said...

ooo! ooo! I gotta have that! It will fullfill my every desire! It will cure my inner turmoil! It will make me look like Elle MacPherson!

*claps hands in rapid succession*

So we have the beginnings of plan, yes? I am to visit. You are to provide a roof o'erhead (you've got that!) and drinks in hand (you've got those, too!) A job offer is in the works -then I can justify blatant consumerish behavior. Oboy oboy oboy!

towwas said...

Oh, wow, donuts? I'm totally impressed. And, yes, I can definitely vouch for the girly martinis. Mmmmmmmmmmm. Although I'm not sure I could handle a chocolate martini AND a donut.

MonkeyMom said...

No no...silly! The chocolate martinis are for the night before...and the donuts are for the morning after. It's pretty much girly-nirvana...only in "Delaware" :D

Labelmaker said...

chocolate in the p.m. and chocolate in the a.m. = chocolate squared!

You live in Delaware? I live in Delaware, OH = Delaware squared!

Me = square.

MonkeyMom said...

TOWWAS is uncomfortable with the state I actually live in (and if I knew how to link to her blog in comments, I would...see the post on Sangria)...but she's less uncomfortable with Delaware. We have, therefore, declared this state also "Delaware" so that she'll venture in to see Miss Shirley and I from time to time.

And dude? Square = awesome! :D