Friday, December 21, 2007

Thought Process

The Monkey was chattering in the back seat on the way home tonight...jumping from stories about school to musings on the Transformers movie to daycare thoughts to websites to invented scenarios for "Transformers II" (which he is, himself, going to write and produce someday). I followed it for awhile, but then I kind of tuned out a little...responded appropriately while thinking about driving and Christmas and whatever else...

When I tuned back in to WMKY in the back seat, he was voicing his internal monologue...

Monkey: And then the tree fell on What's it called? A barn? No... It'' a barn, but it's not called that... Whatisit? Whatisit? It' Jill's....outdoor...closet....

Me: A shed?

Monkey: That's it! Yeah! The shed...the tree fell on the shed and it was half open.

I have no idea what the first part of that story was, but the journey to the punchline was excellent! In a few years, I'm going to have the awesomest Taboo partner ever!!

1 comment:

towwas said...

That happened to the shed in my parents' backyard in a windstorm circa 1987. (The tree thing, not the five-year-old talking thing.)