Sadly, this photo does not feature J.Chu...and whoever came with J.Chu (I couldn't get through the sea of people in time to see them before they had to go)... or E.C. (who was there and being extra social and bouncy)... or G.Dog (who, in her very shy way, screamed my name from halfway across the room, hugged me and then was promptly ushered away by one of her adoring fans)... or Z.Dog who was busy signing autographs elsewhere...or MissS (who was home with the kids)...or S.Moff (whom I think we'd all love to meet...but she wasn't there.)
It does, however, feature (from bottom, clockwise)...my fabulous boots (that I was cursing by the time I got home. Why can't fashionable footwear come with arch supports, for the love of pete!?)...TOWWAS, with her Elizabethan finery...[___], who I just met and don't know her .name (sorry, [___]!!), and Spice, my e-voice of reason during the whole can-the-Monkey-read debacle.
What is most exciting about this picture, however, is that there is, in fact, a picture. I was aiming down into a circle of nothing with a big black shadow on the screen where the picture should be. I'm just happy I actually got everyone's feet!!
Yayyyy, blogcon! Her name is Alsho. Well, no, it isn't really, but we call her that here.
Ah! Hiiii Alsho! :)
I also think I should either hold the camera down lower or give it to someone a bit shorter next time. I get that slight vertigo feeling every time I look at this picture.
OOOh! I want my feet in the next blogcon photo!
Oh gosh! That's right! I missed you too!! Drat.
There will have to be much better foot synchronization in the future...
It's ok, IBYB, we didn't miss her - TH came to see the Saturday night show.
oh oh oh, i missed it. :(
however, a mention in the post is *almost* proof i was there in attendance, bouncing around as usual.
next time, we'll coordinate for maximum foot exposure.
I'm a no good, very bad, awful, horrible blog o sphere friend who completely gave up her life for end of the year firm madness. My toes are kicking me right now for not being a part of your lovely photograph. Entirely my loss.
Until the next pedicure and or free moment to join your picture~
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