Sunday, May 07, 2006

Do the Sippy-Sippy Shake

TOWWAS posted a photo of the finished product in her recaplet of our very girly evening...but for anyone wanting the Paul Harvey on the chocolate martinis, here's the shakedown...

Note that the Blues Clues paw is still distinguishable despite my vigorous mixmaster action. I like to think that means I have good technique (er...and/or that TOWWAS is a kickbutt photographer).

Either way, the martinis? ...super yummy.

Oh...and also: Tom is hot.*

*...while true and, in fact, (as we decided after a couple of chocotinis) universally so, I am blogging this statement purely for inside-joke purposes. Don't worry if you don't get it. Though you should feel free to blindly agree. Because he is. Hot, that is.


towwas said...

Right. Tom? Hot. Maybe I'll go watch that DVD again....

towwas said...

Ok, fine, you want photographic proof? Here you go.

ImpetuousProse said...

I can just picture the monkey one day.. "Yeah, so my mom used to mix her drinks in my sippy cup when I was little."

MonkeyMom said...

Note to Monkey: I was *so* not an alcoholic. Not to worry... :)

Cheryl said...

Is he? I hadn't noticed.