Wednesday, May 24, 2006


I was feeling sad on the way in to work this morning. A good friend of mine is leaving the area soon and I've already started prepping for what I fear may be an emotional goodbye. (I do that sometimes...I prep...I play out scenarios...I make myself experience every emotion before it happens so that when the moment arrives, I won't be caught entirely off guard. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. It just is.) So every song was making me a little sad and nostalgic and ridiculously emotional... Blah...

But then, a remake of "Uncle John's Band" came on and my mood lifted... I was kind of head-bopping along in the car...singing out harmonies...imagining raising my voice by a riverside with enchanted hipsters... And I felt fabulous. Euphoric almost! Life was good and the world was possible and everything would be ok...

...and it occurred to me: it’s like I have a contact high. I'm nowhere near a blazing deadhead and I've got a contact high? So I started wondering if it’s possible that over the years the music itself has soaked up so much…let’s call it ambiance…that you can get that happy feeling without being anywhere near a show.

I'm not sure if it's true or not, but it's an infinitely better way to start the day...

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Ooh, yeah, I love that feeling.

I do that scenario thing too. I have to go through every horrible possibility in my head so I know I can get through it. It's just a thing I need to do, and I am finally not suprised by the fact that you do too.