Saturday, April 22, 2006

Hippy Easter

The Monkey and I celebrated Easter in the traditional way:

...with the dying of eggs...

...and the wearing of bunny ears...

(remind me to tell him, when he's *much* older, that I scored these ears at a pub crawl...)
( wait...on second thought, don't)

...and the tie dying of little pieces of cloth...

(technically, we were supposed to be tie dying the eggs, but that totally didn't work out. The cloth pieces were a punt)

Martha Stewart would be intensely proud.


Cheryl said...

Nice eggs, good saturation on the color!

MonkeyMom said...

Why....thank you. :)

If you look closely at the red one you can see where attempted to follow the tie dying instructions...and how instead of looking appropriately Jerry Garcia, it mostly just looks messy.

Hence, the cloth.

towwas said...

I'm telling you, the monkey is going to read this someday and be like, oh, nowwww I get it.

MonkeyMom said...

I kind of don't mind that...a little insight into the parentals is probably good for a kid!

(well, as long as I don't overshare on stuff he'd really rather not know about... :D)

towwas said...

Yeah, I agree - it's just funny to imagine the teenage monkey reading our many-years-old comments.