Phlegm is a word that looks and sounds exactly as horrible as it is. I actually like the word phlegm for this reason.
The experience of phlegm, I like infinitely less.
I have just ingested some disgusting cherry-like cough syrup in hopes of not choking to death in my sleep on this word. If all goes well, maybe I'll find a new word to almost-blog about tomorrow...
If not...well, it's been fun. :)
Wow. I would say "thanks for sharing," but I've been trying to cut back on sarcasm.
Oh, I haven't shared it. I try very hard to keep my illnesses all to myself. :)
Cutting back on sarcasm? What nonsense is this!?
Slacks. I hated this word for a long time. Something about the way it felt on my tongue was just ugly, and let's be honest, who owns a cute pair of "slacks?"
Oh my god. I've been railing about the word "slacks" since high school. My definition? Polyester-doubleknit-elasticbandwaist-bellbottoms
No kidding. Wow.
Wow is so the word honey, (place phrase remarking on ways we are freakishly similar here).
My mom used to wear "slacks", by your definition. Now she wears pants. They are pleated and sometimes labeled "stretch denim", but no more slacks.
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