Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Five Crazy Things in Five Crazy Days

...wherein the Blogstress plays catch up for the days she's slacked...

Friday the 13th (*cue scary music*)

Despite having coffee and carrotcake two doors down from one of the events for my friend's weekend fundraiser, I elect not to stop in and say hello. Why? Because I offered three times to help when I found out there wasn't enough help and the response that came back was "Yeah, I'm going to be pretty busy that weekend...so..." (as if I'd suggested some unrelated social outing).

I know, I know: childish passive aggression and I actually feel a little badly about it. Chalk it up to estrogen. Harrumph.

Saturday the 14th

Two envelopes appear in the mail amid the unwanted realtor solicitations (I heart Ellen; leave me alone):

The first -- a refund from my contacts for $30 (yay!)
The second -- a bill for $25 (boo!)

But hey! I'm $5 ahead! It's like day-trading with my mail. Woohoo!!

Sunday the 15th "My Date With DC"

I was supposed to go see "Fat Pig" at the Studio Theater this afternoon with a friend...only illness struck hard and cancellation ensued. There were people I could have called, but in the end, I relished the alone time. I had a lovely lunch at WrapWorks in DuPont and watched the DCites amble around in the wind and the sun. I finished the book I've been reading forever. I soaked up every moment of the six block walk and back again. The play was spectacular and the City proved to be a completely fabulous date for the day.

Note to self: plan more dates with DC.

...oh. And the Monkeyboy came home with the worst case of pinkeye I've ever ever seen. Really. Just horrific.

Monday the 16th

After a fun morning with the Monkeyboy (ok, "fun" doesn't include the times I had to pin him down to put those *^%# drops in his eyes), I passed him off for the afternoon and ran errands. Since I'd finished my book (I'm *so* proud...takes me ages to read anything), I went on the hunt for more...

I came out of the trusty B&N with two Mark Leynor books (Et Tu Babe and My Cousin, My Gastrointerologist) and a book of meditations on change (the title of which is too cheesy to post, but it was recommended by a friend I respect, so I'm going with it). It's complete literary whiplash, but I'm uber-excited...

Tuesday the 17th

Birthday shout outs to Krek in MO and MissJ here in town -- also to my sister in the K to the Y, but she doesn't read this, so.... Happy Birthday, one and all!

But here's the what: I'm going to Greece. In March. I'm almost too stunned at the idea to even talk about it.

Smirky and Nattybug have been after me for a year to come and visit them...luring me relentlessly with pictures of the gorgeous scenery...tales of the fun I'll have hanging out with them (unquestionably the hippest cats in all the Isles)...promises of Smirky's cooking (swoon!)...

So, finally, today, the Smirkster helped me navigate the intricacies of Travelocity...and sure enough, there was a fare for a mere $430 (well, ok, $430 before the $245 of taxes heaped on top...yeow!!...but still, a really good fare for international travel)

So I got the ticket!
To Greece!
In March!

Holy crap, I've got to get a passport...


towwas said...

Holy crap, $245 of taxes? That SUCKS. I always mentally add on about $150 for international flights, but I may have to adjust.

But anyway. You're going to Greece! That's so awesome! Yay international travel!

towwas said...

P.S. and I think that's funny about your friend's fundraiser. (First I had to review and be like, wait, that's not me, is it? Did I have a fundraiser?)

MonkeyMom said...

Oh, I think me being an immature snot is probably not really all that funny...but meh...

And, two points of clarification:
1. I'd never ditch your fundraiser and
2. You'd not turn down my offer to help!


Anonymous said...

Wow. Big L's going to Greece!

towwas said...

I would also probably never have a fundraiser. I mean, really, what would I raise funds for? And I hate asking people for money. Actually, that might make me a prime candidate for hosting a fundraiser, because then you don't have to ask people for money, you just have to charge them a buttload to get into your event. But then I'd worry that no one would come. So there you go. No fundraisers for me.

Cheryl said...

You could raise funds to pay for taxes for international travel because my goodness that's a lot of dough! Yay Greece! I have always, always wanted to go to Greece. Alas, this time I will live vicariously through you.