Wednesday, December 28, 2005

I Like Funny Things

Oh. My. Goodness.

I don't know this woman, but I really, really, really want to go to Mommy group with her. Not that she'd go to Mommy group. And, ok, not that I'd go to Mommy group actually...(I suck at the Mommy group thing...I really, really do...I tried it when the Monkeyboy was tiny, but he mostly just cried and wiggled through the whole thing and the other placid-faced women with quiet, happy, tummy-time babies just looked at me kind of pitifully. And yes, I know, the Monkey is really much older now and cries a lot less -- though, in fairness, he wiggles a lot more, or, more specifically hurls himself around a lot more...the kid's got a good dealer for his crack, wherever it's coming from -- and the daycare mothers now actually think he's a pretty cool little person so the looks I get are rather less pitiful, but I still can't seem to manage the smalltalk thing. Maybe there should be more/stronger coffee at Mommy group functions...or a moratorium on how much of the discussion can be centered around the children...yeah, that might work, because then we could be whole people and not just, Cool Chicks Who Also Have Little People. Yeah, I'd totally go to CCWAHLP meetings...if they existed. Which they don't. Because CCWAHLP are too busy having lives to actually organize group meetings and write charters and stuff. See? It's a catch-22...)

Oh. Sorry. I digress.

My Point (I swear I had one): good lord this dooce woman is a riot. Go read her and call it your ab workout for the day. :)


Cheryl said...

See? I am telling you. Separated at birth. I have an entire post devoted to how I suck at mommy groups and small talk. Where have you been, Tall L?

MonkeyMom said...

Oh, you know...huddled at home in a corner terrified of having to discuss comparative parenting strategies and bodily functions?

Pretty much that.

I linked to you! I think it's the modern equivalent of trading friendship pins... We're official now! Yay! :)

towwas said...


towwas said...

Maybe the key to the success of these mommy things is to include CCWOLP too, so we can start rolling our eyes when you go on too long about parenting crap.

MonkeyMom said...

I think Miss S and I will be forever grateful to you for having brought us together. You can celebrate all our friendiversaries with us (well, providing Miss S is ok with that).

And yes, including CCWOLP is a very important long as CCWOLPs don't mind when the CCWAHLP have their LPs around... You know, because CCWAHLPs are often po' and/or can't get sitters...

towwas said...

See, that's the whole point, the LP are involved, too. LP are fun. I hear Little Miss is obsessed with my singing these days.

Cheryl said...

She's totally obsessed, in the cutest way!

So, yes, towwas has to celebrate our friendiversaries with us since she was the brilliant lady who knew we were meant to meet. Oh, and the great thing about CCWAHLP is that the LP are usually cool too, and CCWAHLP don't usually want to talk about much parenting crap, (the whole not good at mommy-group thing), so the CCWOLP just get to experience being with cool LP and CCWAHLP.

I think we just started our own chapter of CCWAHLP/CCWOLP. We are the charter members. Cool!

(friendiversaries: an example of a time when making up a word is appropriate)

towwas said...

Yes. Friendiversaries is an acceptable made-up word. I just...have my limits.

MonkeyMom said...

Actually, what I've enjoyed most about this particular string of comments is the frequent use of completely inconvenient acronyms. Heh :)

Hello, I Blog...I make up words. But not at all to sound important...just because they're descriptive. I guess you could say I'm a survivist that way.
