Monday, November 07, 2005

Little Mary Sunshine

I was actually in the show "Little Mary Sunshine" in high school. I didn't know much about it prior to auditions except that my uncle was really excited about it...and he had a way of being excited about things that implied that maybe you should know why he was excited and you should really really be excited too (it involved a lot of dramatic eyebrow-raising). I got my hands on the music ahead of time and decided that I wanted very much to be Naughty-Naughty Nancy. She was a supporting character but totally had the best part...she got to be (and sing about) Mata Hari and to kiss the hot guy....and oh yes...that's definitely who I wanted to be.

Of course, the part I was cast for was one of the finishing school girls...who all wanted to be Mata Hari too (in a big chorus number), but were too prim and proper to actually be her (or to be Naughty-Naughty Nancy, for that matter).

Heh.... They say art mimics life...or maybe it did for me back then...

But I was thinking about that show this morning as I sit here with the sun beaming down on my head through the window (and making, I must say, some incredibly cool shadow-plays on my curls) and feeling just on top of the world for no apparent reason. Maybe it was the nice walk with Justine this morning for coffee...or maybe it's that I've been lucky enough to exchange emails and have conversation with a couple of thoughtful people lately...or maybe that a close friend finally turned back up after being on hiatus for six months... Who knows? But that glow right there? That's me... I recommend sunglasses...

"You've got to hand it, to Little Mary Sunshine..."

1 comment:

towwas said...

I don't know this musical. When I was in 6th grade, we put on the Electric Sunshine Man, a musical about the life of Thomas Edison. It was pretty awesome. I was in three dances...and totally messed up in the front row of one of them. There's video evidence.