Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Last Hour

The last hour of the day is maddening. It's too late to start anything new...too close to the end to have the attention span to really finish what's already been started...and too much anticipation for leaving to be as productive as I know I need to be. So I sit here, a lot of days, kind of stymied and wiggly over what to do with this time.

I've considered cleaning up my desk...but, frankly, if the desk is too clean, I'll just wander in tomorrow and go "hrm...what was I supposed to do today?"

I considered cleaning out my email inbox...but the novelty of that wears off fast (even if, ok, that might mean that I'd stand a chance of being able to send emails for a whole entire day instead of the VOIP lady not-so-gently reminding me that "your inbox is almost full" all the damn time)

I considered staring blankly out the window...but someone's bound to notice that and be a little displeased (even if the trees on that hill over there are turning color and oooh....pretty!)

I considered blogging about what to do....but that...er... Oh. No. Wait. Look! I totally did! Yay me!


...um...anyone know what I should do with the last 50 minutes of the day?


towwas said...

Oh, my gosh, I'm such a procrastinator that the last hour of the day is the only hour when I consistently get stuff done. I mean, I get work done at other times during the day, but that's the one solid hour of work.

Anonymous said...

Great stuff! It was just like I was there.