It's lame to post a YouTube my first post back after my moving-Thanksgiving-settling-in hiatus but I don't care. This made me giggle:
...I predict that J.Bro, in particular, will also giggle. But you should let me know if you giggle....or if you wreck your pants like the incredible hulk!
Ha! They have some things to learn about their target audience, I think - namely, that the typical Brawndo drinker isn't going to sit around for a 1:30 commercial, even if it does promise Winning at Exercise(!!!). This needs to be 1:20 shorter, and it needs to run in between other commercials - like a commercial break-break.
(And welcome back!)
I wonder if that was done by the same people who did the Powerthirst video that I posted a while back:
It sure sounds like it's the same guy. Either way, good stuff!
I just think it's awesome that one of the best parts of "Idiocracy" lives on as a real product! I'm going to get some Brawndo and start watering my plants with it!
Your toilet plants, I presume? :D
Wait! Spice!! Am I finally meeting you Friday? If so, I have to remember to wear cute shoes for the requisite blogcon photo...particularly since it will include TOWWAS's uber fancy Elizabethan costume shoes. I'm coming solo so I can Lord of the Dance with reckless abandon... Yay!
..I bought a case. Welcome back to the blogesphere.
Oh my gosh, foot photo, you're totally right! Of course, I won't have my camera with me (digital camera = not very Elizabethan) so you have to be SURE to have one. My costume shoes aren't that exciting - they're just black flats - but the skirt will show! Woo!!
Oh boo! No shoe/show photo for me. This parenting thing is really interfering with my social life.
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