Wednesday, May 03, 2006


As told to me by MonkeyDaddy (MD)...

Monkey: (scurries off to bathroom...flush...calling out:) Daddy, Mr. Butt just burped at me!!

MD: Wha...huh?

Monkey: (waddles out of bathroom, pants around ankles) I needed to go potty and Mr. Butt burped at me. You need to tell Mr. Butt that's not nice. (turns around so Mr. Butt can receive his comeuppance)

MD: Wha...huh?

Apparently the Monkey was not about to let Mr. Butt get away with such rude behavior and insisted that MD give him a good talking to. So...refraining from giggling and trying to sound as stern as possible...he did.

I'm kinda bummed I missed that one... Although, in fairness, the Monkey and I have had our share of discussions with/about Mr. Penis (who is, in the words of the Monkey, sometimes "silly" in the mornings....*blink*), so maybe it's ok that the anthropomorphical fun got shared. :)


Cheryl said...

You're bummed! hahaha!

MonkeyMom said...

You like that play on words, do ya? :)

towwas said...


grrrbear said...

You'll totally have to compile a collection of the "best Monkey comments ever" for promenent display at appropriate moments as he gets older. Things like prom, high school graduation open house, etc...