Saturday, January 07, 2006

Say What?

Not only do I have the good fortune of getting sinus infections 2...3...4 times a year...but at least one of those times I can be assured a healthy dose of laryngitis. This, apparently, is that time. And sure, it feels a bit like maybe my entire throat is trying to collapse in on itself, but aside from the niggly little suspician that each breath may be my last, it's not so bad. I'm kind of used to it.

There is, however, a smallish person in the house who isn't used to it. This is my weekend with the Monkeyboy and he's learning a whole new form of patience...interspersed with saying "What?" every two minutes. Sometimes he whispers back at me...sometimes he brings me imaginary things (like pizza) to make me feel better...sometimes he requests my "loud voice." Ahh, if only I had it to give.

There are several "up" sides to the story, though...
First, I have cause for gratitude: my Mom gets these infections more often than me and she loses her voice pretty much every time. Secondly, the charming little doctor lady who saw me last week and pronounced me "viral" (vice "infection-ed" -- heh...yeah, right, lady) gave me some theoretically strong meds...and promised on Hippocrates himself that if I wasn't "dramatically better" on Monday, she'd spring for the call to the pharmacy for the antibiotics.

Heh...and given how things are going today (3 days hence), I think it's probably just a question of whether or not she'll be able to hear me begging on the other end of the line...

...hmm...does anyone know morse code for "tall chick needs antibiotics [stop]"??


Chuck Cuyjet said...

I doubt the sitting meditation could help this.

MonkeyMom said...

Mmm...likely, no.

I did try visualization for awhile last night: imagining my esophagus opening up and air getting through unobstructed (there brief moment of panic earlier in the evening that I had some heinous allergy to some of the meds I was on and I was, in fact, going to die -- happily, that was just my brain on hyperbole).

So I figure after the persistent urge to nap passes, I can move on to the sitting...